A manufacturer’s quest for selling natural and organic beauty products.

Women are seeking organic and natural beauty products that are not only eco-friendly but will also allow their beauty to shine through without damaging their skin. These products are in high demand. But how and why do women buy one brand over the other?
In one research study, the authors of Factors Affecting Green Cosmetics Purchase Intention,
Al-Haddad, Awad, Albate, Almashhadani, and Dirani, suggest that perceived quality, brand loyalty and particularly brand awareness, all three of which are dimensions of brand equity, will shed some light in the knowledge gaps about the purchase intention of the female consumer buying organic and natural beauty products.
Environment and skincare
Consumers are acutely aware of the environment and the precarious situation involving our climate. With the reduction in natural resources, the out-of-control waste generation, profound climate changes, and air pollution, something needs to be done, and the consumer knows this and expects companies to be socially responsible.
Because of sustainability, people are changing their lifestyles. Women are demanding natural and organic beauty products with eco-friendly packaging. Besides the environment, women want products that are safe and will not cause allergies, aging skin, and skin damage. The trend leans heavily towards these green products, and manufacturers need to follow these guidelines to remain competitive.
As a woman, I want a product that is safe for my skin and protects the environment, and I will scourer the market to find these products. Intentionto purchase relies on three elements and three dimensions. The elements are emotion, service, and actual experience, and the dimensions are brand awareness, brand loyalty, and quality of service. But first, let’s talk about purchase intentions.

Purchasing Intentions
Purchase intention is the act of searching for the means to make a purchase, but that does mean they will buy it. Women’s purchasing decisions are influenced by their emotions, the retail environment or service, and their actual experiences. When matched with a positive attitude and favorable behavior and feelings, these elements will engage the consumer.
This engagement, combined with an intention to purchase, will most likely cause the female consumer to buy the product, repurchase it and use it. Hence, retailers must cater to these three elements to attract and please female consumers. However, there is more than just the intention to purchase that is required. The manufacturer must get the word out. There are three dimensions of brand equity that play a role: brand awareness, brand loyalty, and perceived quality.
Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is the recognition and recall ability of a particular product by a consumer. Brands with a “strong, well-defined rank of awareness” essentially means that the manufacturer has a well-known reputation, which is pleasing to the consumer.
Brand Loyalty
Brand loyalty is the actual connection between the consumer and the product. Despite competitors, the consumer buys the brand. Brand loyalty is built by frequent purchases of the brand and the decision to choose that brand over other brands.
Perceived Quality
It is “the evaluation of consumers’ overall distinction of the brand.” Quality is especially important to the consumer, so it motivates the consumer to buy the product. Quality is measured by reliability, performance, and brand name.
A brand that is recognized and easily remembered will affect the purchasing intention of the consumer. So not only does the manufacturer have to pay attention to their service, a woman’s emotions, and her actual shopping experience, the manufacturer must pay attention to brand awareness. Once brand awareness is established, it is up to the sales department to make the female consumer experience a positive one by influencing her emotions and providing excellent service. The manufacturer can then introduce the quality of their product, which will motivate the consumer to make a purchase, thus connecting the consumer to the product inducing loyalty.
The natural and organic beauty cosmetics industry is a competitive one. It is necessary to stay one step ahead of the game. We now know why and how women shop for organic products; they are aware of brands and they make purchases based on emotion, service, and experience. Brand awareness is the key to encouraging purchase intention. Knowing this fact will help managers with their marketing plans and strategies. Moreover, manufacturers will have a foot in the door, giving them a competitive advantage.
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